How to stay fit as a developer?

Being a software developer is assuredly not a very healthy profession. One has to sit in front of a computer, coding all day long or night long, handling errors and deadlines. A typical day with this kind of schedule involves a lot of sitting, which is not beneficial for one’s health. However, we all have to stay fit to become maximum productive. Here are some of the most basic yet prime tips for you to follow to stay healthy while programming:

1. Get Enough Sleep

Try to get a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep every day. It’s also crucial to get a quality sleep on a regular schedule so that you feel energetic when you wake up. Ensure that your bedroom is quiet. Avoid keeping TVs and other gadgets in your bedroom and follow regular bedtimes and wake times.

2. Exercise Regularly

Neck and back-related problems are universal among software engineers. A walk for 30 minutes every day will do you good. Do a few stretches and exercises at home. Make sure that you exercise your neck often and start doing yoga, walking, cycling, swimming.

3. Maintain A Good Posture

Maintain A Good Posture, sit well behind your computer: 90-degree angle, adjusted height, sit straight. Sitting work is harmful to your body, it is particularly straining your lower back. You can try to work at a standing desk for one or two hours a day. You will see benefits in your posture quickly.

4. Reduce Eyestrain & Blue-light Exposure

Blinking is the primary measure to reduce eye strain & dry eyes. Blink your eyes at a regular interval of time. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. After every 20 minutes of work, look 20 feet away from the computer screen and blink 20 times. Try to use a blue light filter on your computer screen to reduce blue light exposure. Make sure you take enough breaks. Try to have a 5min break after every hour. Taking a break will let you think about a problem from a different angle and probably come with an answer at the end.

5. Focus on what you take

First and foremost, stay hydrated. Drinking enough water increases your metabolism & it also helps you digest your food better. Water helps flush waste products and toxins. Keep yourself away from fast food as it harms your body. It is also high in unhealthy fats like trans-fats. Refresh yourself with a glass of water, buttermilk, or lemonade instead of soft drinks. If you want snacks, go for fruits and have a pack of nuts in the front of your desk. Forget about the candies or sweet snack bars as they are full of sugar and won’t kill your hunger.


As you can see, there are some simple steps you can follow to keep your mind and body in great shape and become maximum productive at work. Do these every day, and enjoy the benefits of feeling happier and healthier!